The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity kicked-off yesterday the new ad-hoc working group in response to the European Skills Agenda.
The creation of the working group on Cybersecurity Skills Framework marks another milestone in the efforts of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity to address the workforce shortage and skills gap problem.
The cybersecurity workforce shortage and skills gap is a major concern for both economic development and security, especially in the rapid digitisation of the global economy.
The European Cybersecurity Skills Framework project aims to:
- promote harmonization in the ecosystem of cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development;
- help in the development of a common European language in the cybersecurity skills context, to reduce the skills shortage;
- support the digital transformation, by defining the skills needed to fulfil cybersecurity related positions;
- support the design of cybersecurity related training programmes for skills and career development in order to address the cybersecurity skills shortage.
The Ad Hoc Working Group on the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework is meant to support the development of a Cybersecurity Education and Skills Framework in response to the European Skills Agenda. The working group follows the Pact for Skills engagement and governance model, having input from a number of relevant stakeholders and will assess the challenges in the development of the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework from different perspectives (e.g. academic and industrial perspective).
The purpose of the ad-hoc working group is to:
- advise ENISA on defining the criteria for a European Cybersecurity Skills Framework;
- support the analysis of other existing initiative cybersecurity related frameworks with respect to the defined criteria;
- assist in identifying gaps in already developed European Cybersecurity Skills Framework;
- assist in conducting a SWOT analysis for an European Cybersecurity Skills Framework;
- review of related ENISA deliverables;
- assist in the preparation of the European Skills Framework.
Further Information
ENISA website page - Ad Hoc Working Group on the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
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